Creighton council launches transportation service to Prince Albert
The Town of Creighton is spearheading a project to provide transportation to Prince Albert and Saskatoon twice per week.
On Feb. 3, the Creighton Connection will begin service to the two destinations on Mondays and Thursdays. The business will use a 15-passenger van and leave the community at 9 a.m. and arrive in Prince Albert at 2 p.m.
Through an arrangement with Aurora Charters, those wanting to continue to Saskatoon will transfer to one of their buses at 3 p.m. and the Creighton Connection bus will turn back to town. The cost to travel back to Creighton from either destination is the same as the price to travel there.
“We were doing our strategic plan with the Town of Creighton and one of the things identified as lacking here was transportation to the major centres,” Clerk Michelle Hrywkiw said. “Council got together and decided to start a corporation, Northern Creighton Development Inc., and they transferred money we had in a Nuclear Waste Management Organization fund from when they were looking at putting the nuclear waste depository in the area. That’s what funded this and we decided to make this service available to residents.”