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Library Fun

What’s New at the Library?

Jan 28, 2020 | 8:50 AM

Calendar of Events

Saturday, February 1

Registration begins for Seniors Computer Class on Friday, February 7, 10:00

Registration begins for Tween and Teen Craft on Monday, February 10, 7:00

Registration begins for Teen Craft on Tuesday, February 11, 7:00

Registration begins for Adult Craft Night on Tuesday, February 25, 7:00

Registration begins for Winter Book Club on Thursday, February 27, 7:00

Drop-In Valentine’s Craft: 2:30

Monday, February 3

Drop-In Anime Club Movie Night: The Secret World of Arrietty, 6:30 (94 min., G. For ages 9 to 15.)

Tuesday, February 4

Prince Albert Writers Group: 7:00

Wednesday, February 5

Wednesday Movie: Joker, 6:45 (122 min., R)

Thursday, February 6

French Movie Night: Les rois mongols, 6:30 (102 min., NR)

Friday, February 7

Explore Lifelong Learning Seniors Computer Class: 10:00 to 11:30 (Call 763-8496 to book a time.)

Saturday, February 8

Vera Pezer Book Launch: The Little Community that Could: The Story of Meskanaw, 2:00 (Books for sale.)

Drop-In Activity Day: 2:30

Monday, February 10

Tween and Teen Craft: D.I.Y. Mini Valentine Gift Boxes, 7:00 (For ages 9 to 15. Registration required.)

Tuesday, February 11

Teen Craft Night: Flower Art, 7:00 (Registration required. For ages 13 to 18.)

Wednesday, February 12

Wednesday Movie: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, 6:15 (161 min., R)

Thursday, February 13

One-on-One Tech Help: 2:00 to 4:00 (Call 763-8496 to book a time.)

Valerie Horner Photo Presentation: 10 Day Solo Tour of Ireland, 7:00

Saturday, February 15

Saturday Movie: Lego DC: Batman – Family Matters, 2:30 (72 min., PG)

Tuesday, February 18

Winter Break Movie: The Lion King, 2:00 (118 min., PG)

Prince Albert Writers Group: 7:00

Explore Lifelong Learning: The Place of Paris in World War II presented by Dr. Clay Burlingham, 7:00

Wednesday, February 19

Winter Break Movie: Toy Story 4, 2:00 (100 min., G)

Wednesday Movie: Harriet, 6:30 (125 min., PG13)

Thursday, February 20

Winter Break Movie: Angry Birds 2, 2:00 (96 min., G)

Hug-a-Tree and Survive Presentation: 7:00 (Presented by PA North Search and Rescue.)

Friday, February 21

Winter Break Movie: Dora and the Lost City of Gold, 2:00 (102 min., PG)

Saturday, February 22

Winter Break Movie: Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, 2:00 (118 min., PG)

Sunday, February 23

Seedy Sunday: 1:00 to 5:00

Monday, February 24

Tween and Teen Writers Group: 7:00 (No registration required. For ages 12 to 18.)

Tuesday, February 25

Adult D.I.Y. Night: Sugar Scrub, 7:00 (Registration required.)

Wednesday, February 26

Wednesday Movie: Jojo Rabbit, 7:00 (108 min., PG13)

Thursday, February 27

One-on-One Tech Help: 2:00 to 4:00 (Call 763-8496 to book a time.)

Winter Book Club: Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center, 7:00 (Pick up your book when you register.)

Saturday, February 29

Drop-In Activity Day: 2:30