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The sign is the third and final project to be completed with funds from Husky Energy. (Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)
Lights, camera, sign!

Digital billboard taking shape

Jan 28, 2020 | 5:07 PM

Cranes towered above the insection of 15th St. W. and Second Ave. W. on Tuesday, as crews erected the city’s much-discussed digital billboard.

The electronic sentinel was approved by council over the summer. Its two screens will be used to broadcast information about community and city events.

The ten-foot tall structure is one of three projects paid for by Husky Energy in an agreement worked out after the 2016 oil spill.

“I think it’s exciting to see three major projects come to completion,” P.A. Communications Manager Kiley Bear told paNOW. “We had the spray park in Kinsmen Park, the completion of the Rotary Trail and now this huge community billboard.”

Configuration of online software to allow ads to be posted on the sign is part of the installation process. (Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)

Work on the sign began on Monday afternoon and Bear estimates it will operational by Thursday or Friday.

She said among the first messages will be advertisements for the E.A. Rawlinson Centre’s upcoming show and a Prince Albert Raider game, as well as information about city activities.

Work on the sign is expected to be completed by Thursday or Friday. (Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)

Content for the ads on the sign will be selected from the City of P.A.’s calendar. The public can submit an event for consideration online.

Councillors have suggested the prominently placed sign could encourage traffic passing through the city to stop at an event. (Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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