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(Alison Sandstrom/paNOW Staff)
Clearing continues

Warmer weather to aid snow removal

Jan 21, 2020 | 3:00 PM

Snow clearing efforts in Prince Albert will be getting a boost from some warmer temperatures this week.

Milder conditions will allow crews to deploy salt to melt the layer of ice encasing many of the city’s streets.

“The warm weather is definitely going to help us in fighting against this ice that we’ve been fighting with for the last couple weeks,” Roadways Manager Brent Kennedy told paNOW.

Having finished clearing residential areas on Monday, graders are back on main arterial roads on Tuesday.

Kennedy reminded the public to remove their vehicles from the street if they see signs for snow clearing in the area.

Since clearage of the massive Jan. 8 snow dump began, they’ve already had to issue several tickets for illegally parked cars and are considering stricter enforcement going forward.

“We may look at towing in the future if it doesn’t [get] better for us,” Kennedy said.

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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