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Back alleys in Prince Albert are extremely icy after a weekend of rain and freezing temperatures. (paNOW Staff/ Ronald Quaroni)
Slick Streets

‘It’s literally a skating rink’: Prince Albert deals with icy conditions

Nov 25, 2019 | 11:04 AM

Driving and walking skills are being tested in Prince Albert after weekend weather left city streets glazed with a thin layer of ice.

So far, Parkland Ambulance has responded to several motor vehicle collisions in and around the city.

“Ice surfaces have built up. People were driving yesterday and they were colliding with each other. Luckily, no serious injuries were reported by our paramedics,” Director of Public Affairs, Lyle Karasiuk told paNOW. “Please slow down. Many of our city streets are in good condition. I want to commend the city for their efforts to keep our city safe. But when you get onto some of the backroads… the ice is sitting on top and pardon the pun, it’s literally a ‘skating rink.’”

Brent Kennedy, Prince Albert’s roadway’s manager said crews are running at full steam.

“We’ve put out all of our sanders and we’ve added more salt mix to it,” Kennedy said. “The temperature right now is pretty good for us. Once we do spread salt it should break down the ice fairly quick.”

Once main routes have been treated, he explained crews would next make school and residential zones a priority.

These particular conditions are changing routine for sanding crews. Back lanes, according to Kennedy are usually left alone, but ice accumulation has made them a target.

“I’m thinking we’re probably looking at two or three days before we can really focus on the (back) lanes,” he said.

On top of the streets, sidewalks are likely to cause some hassle for pedestrians traversing on foot. Karasiuk encourages business owners and residents to spread salt on particularly icy areas of foot traffic.

He stressed people using walking assists should be mindful of the conditions and to never walk on ice without a cane or walker.

If you fall, slide, or trip Karasiuk said it’s best to take your time. Assess how you feel before you get back up. If you suspect you suffered a significant injury call 9-1-1.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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