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(Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)
Petition denied

Wyllie Crescent found to not meet requirements for speed bumps

Nov 19, 2019 | 2:00 PM

Residents of a Carlton Park street will not get the traffic calming measures for which they petitioned.

A study found that 85 per cent of cars on Wyllie Crescent drive 44 km/h or slower, only four kilometres above the speed limit.

During the one-week period surveyed, an average of 133 vehicles per day used the street. According to city criteria, residential streets must have between 1,000 to 5,000 daily vehicle trips to be consider for measures like speed bumps.

A city report delivered to council on Monday states: “This street is typical of most residential streets in the city and does not see excessive speeds, traffic or pedestrian volumes. Traffic calming measures are reserved for those streets that see excessive speeds, excessive traffic or where there is a large number of pedestrians over and above the residents in the area.”

Ward Coun. Blake Edwards thanked residents for bringing the issue forward.

“I understand that there’s some guidelines on these requests,” he told council.

“I’m glad the citizens brought this request up. I certainly believe the citizens need to draw that attention to their own areas because we’re not able to.”

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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