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(Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)
Pedestrian safety

Students respond to new traffic light

Nov 5, 2019 | 5:00 PM

The sound of the bell at Carlton High School rings at 12:15 p.m. and within minutes, dozens of students are crossing Sixth Ave. E. to get their lunch. The steady stream of traffic is brought to a halt.

Just last week, flashing yellow beacons were installed at the crosswalk as a means to address concerns about pedestrian safety. In a span of 25 minutes, four youths were observed touching the round, silver button to activate the light. One student, age 16, was among the dozens of students who walked by it.

“I didn’t know there was a light there,” he confessed, adding he rarely pays attention to traffic when he crosses the street.

Another student explained to paNOW she thought the drivers were the ones who should be more responsible.

“They have to stop because this is where the students cross,” she said.

Some students did remember to push the button. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

The price tag for the new light was $30,000. Some students, once told by paNOW what the light switch was for, and shown where it was, promised to use it. One grade 10 student said he thought some students may just need more time to adjust to the change.

“We’re just so used to walking and crossing without touching the button. Cars know there’s always kids crossing and they slow down, ” he said.

A spokesperson for the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division had told paNOW the school will be educating students about the lights. Director of Education Robert Bratvold had asked for a more sophisticated light with a walk/ don’t walk signal, but ultimately city council voted to take a different approach. One 18-year-old student, said he did not think the new light was a waste of money, but added drivers need to be more careful.

‘If people are driving through here, they should still be paying attention because I have witnessed a lot of people get hit here and I’ve noticed people look both ways when they cross,” he said.

(Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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