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The red line shows an approximation of where the new road would be. (Google Maps)
Room to grow

Contract awarded for design of new P.A. road

Oct 23, 2019 | 5:25 PM

Prince Albert city council is moving ahead with plans to build a road circling the southwest corner of the city connecting Marquis Road with 10th Ave.W.

The arterial road would allow for major development in the West Hill and divert traffic off residential streets, something Coun. Charlene Miller noted as important.

“Taking [traffic] off of Sixth Ave. W. and making it go all the way to the corner of the hospital would make it better for residents of the West Hill,” she said during the meeting.

A city report estimates that in the future just over 11,000 people could live in developments off the 1,320 meter road extension.

At Monday night’s meeting, council awarded a $245,327 contract to a Saskatoon-based engineering firm for the design, planning and inspection of the new project.

There was some hesitation around the table that the cost was more expensive than had been budgeted for last year. The director of public works told councillors none of the eight proposals they received fell within the $200,000 they previously allotted for the project. Money will be taken from a reserve fund to make up the $45,327 difference.

Coun. Terra Lennox-Zepp was the sole opponent of awarding the contract.

“Should we be pursuing this work when it is a very costly item? Is this something that members of the public want to see their public dollars spent on?” she questioned in an interview with paNOW after the meeting.

The city estimates construction of the road will cost $4.7 million. Nearly $2 million of that, for the underground infrastructure, will be before council for approval during November’s budget deliberations.

Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2020, with surfacing set to be finished during the summer of 2021.

On Twitter: @alisandstrom