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The Kumintang Filipino Dance Ensemble performance at the Tapestrama Cultural Festival at the Plaza 88 Event Centre on Saturday. (Ian Gustafson/paNOW Staff)
Learning About Culture

Culture Days spread song, dance and much else across P.A.

Sep 28, 2019 | 5:21 PM

Day two of the Prince Albert Culture Days has played out across the community.

On Saturday there were plenty of events around the city to celebrate a wide variety of different cultures including the Tapestrama Cultural Festival and the Urban Art Tour.

Every year the Prince Albert Multicultural Council organizes the Tapestrama Cultural Festival at the Plaza 88 Event Centre in celebration of Culture Days. Executive Director Michelle Hassler, explained the two-day Tapestrama is all about cultural music, performances, and food.

“So, everybody will come together and celebrate multiculturalism, celebrate diversity and also share and learn from each other’s culture,” Hassler told paNOW.

She said it is very important for the community to celebrate this weekend.

“I’m a newcomer myself and when I came here I did not expect how diverse Canada is and it feels good to be able to not be a stranger. You feel like you’re welcome and that’s what we’re trying to create here,” she said.

She stressed it’s important everyone feels welcome, safe, respected, and accepted and it’s a great idea to sample other cultures.

“So, we try to find similarities of each other’s culture rather than the differences,” Hassler said.

During the Tapestrama Cultural Festival they had a wide spectrum of different performers including 10 different groups.

“We always have the different cultural dance group to start with and then we wrap up with different cultural bands,” she said.

Hassler was happy with the turnout on day two.

“It’s pretty amazing how the community really comes together,” she said. “They really are enjoying watching the performances and trying all different food that we have today.”

“The satisfaction that I’m feeling right now is pretty good,” she added.

Tapestrama Cultural Festival will continue Sunday from 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.

The ThunderingSky Dance Troupe performing at the Tapestrama Cultural Festival on Saturday at the Plaza 88 Event Centre. (Ian Gustafson/paNOW Staff)

Also, on Saturday was the Urban Art Tour at Gateway Mall, which was an opportunity for the public to meet local artists and interact with them.

Naomi McNeice, a local artist, had her acrylic, alcohol ink, and wax pastel art on display.

“A lot of people don’t know about wax pastel but there’s a lot of different things you can do with it so it’s really fun to work with,” McNeice said.

She’s been painting for about 15 years but has been working on it a lot more lately. She has been in the Urban Art Tour for all four of its years and is also on the Prince Albert Arts Board.

“I’ve been doing lots of stuff for the art community and so it’s nice to come down and just be part of it,” she said.

McNeice said it’s important to come down and see the local artists and talk to them.

“A lot of people aren’t that exposed to local art and it’s important to just talk to people and tell them about what’s going on around town,” McNeice said.

Naomi McNeice finishes a painting at the Urban Art Tour at the Gateway Mall on Saturday. (Ian Gustafson/paNOW Staff)

She said she has had plenty of people come and talk to her throughout the day.

“I was talking to one lady who said she’s never taken to anything. I told her about some things that are available and you’re always surprised by finding your niche whether it’s crocheting, or music, or poetry, “she said. “Everything is a form or art so you just have to find your niche and go for it,” McNeice said.

On Twitter: @iangustafson12