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A file photo shows a crowd of Green Party supporters. (Green Party of Canada website)
Greens are go in P.A.

Green Party finds candidate for Prince Albert

Sep 24, 2019 | 10:09 AM

The Green Party in the Prince Albert riding has found a replacement after the sudden withdrawal of their locally based candidate last week. Kerri Wall, a health worker in Fernie, B.C. will be in the Oct. 21 race.

Wall, who will be a paper candidate, was not immediately available for an interview with paNOW because she had yet to speak with local party representatives. Her candidate status was confirmed on the Green Party of Canada website.

Wall ran unsuccessfully in a competitive race for the party’s nomination in the Kootenay-Columbia riding in the southeast part of B.C.

Earlier this summer she told the Nelson Star newspaper the broken promise by Liberal leader Justin Trudeau to introduce a proportional representation voting system would be “an order of business that’s extremely important to me,” as well as the climate agenda.