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A graphic shows the land purchased (in red) near Marquis Road. (Agenda Package/City of P.A.)
Future developments

P.A. city limits expand in southeast

Sep 10, 2019 | 5:00 PM

P.A. city council has approved the purchase of just over 26 acres of land on the southeast boundary of the city limits.

The plot, purchased for $75,000, will likely eventually be part of the Crescent Acres Development.

“We do have a lot of land in the Crescent Acres area already so we’re certainly not in need of anymore land,” Director of Planning and Development Services, Craig Guidinger told paNOW. “But this is a good opportunity. The land came up for sale and whenever we can control land along our boundaries it would be good business to own it.”

Currently the city already has around 70 lots for sale in the area, but with sales being slow, the land purchase approved on Monday likely won’t see any development for several decades.

“When you develop land like this it has to be done sequentially because you have to extend roads and infrastructure from where they already exist,” Guidinger said.

In the meantime, the city can take clay from this lot and an adjacent one to use in other building projects.

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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