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Kevin Lamoureaux speaks at the Ches Leach Lounge. (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)

Speaker discusses importance of reconciliation

Sep 1, 2019 | 9:16 AM

Kevin Lamoureaux credits survivors of the country’s residential school system for working to start dialogue on reconciliation in Canada.

“It’s a gift given to us by survivors so we can allow Canada to be the best possible Canada we can be,” he said.

Lamoureaux is faculty at the University of Winnipeg and spoke on reconciliation in Prince Albert.

He spoke on the history of the numbered treaties in Canada and how those documents were fundamental to the establishment of the country. Specifically, Lamoureaux touched on the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and how this document, which is part of Canada’s constitution, established First Nation’s title to land unless surrendered by treaty. He added there is no expiration date on any of the treaties.

This history makes treaty acknowledgments, like the one read before the start of the talk, something Lamoureaux appreciates.

“You have to understand that I grew up in a Canada where I never got to hear a single damn treaty acknowledgment in my life, so they’re still very exciting to me,” he said.

He spoke on the Indian Act, which determines who the federal government recognizes as having status. Lamoureaux said the legislation is responsible for the poor conditions many of those living on reserve experience and helped facilitate the residential school system.

“It has dictated every aspect of life and injustice for Indigenous people,” he said.

Lamoureaux spoke to two groups, including teachers and school administrators.

Dwayne Gareau, vice principal at Ecole St. Mary High School, said he found the talk quite moving. Gareau said Lamoureaux did a good job of getting across the importance of education for reconciliation.

“He did a really, really fantastic job of relaying that message to us all as educators,” he said. “Whenever I hear the personal touches to stories it really always hits home.”

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