P.A. totem pole to be removed for safety reasons
One of Prince Albert’s iconic cultural attractions is set to be removed and laid to rest.
The totem pole on the riverbank has been deemed to be a public safety hazard.
“There are two issues,” Judy Macleod Campbell, the city’s arts and cultural coordinator told paNOW. “There’s significant rotting at the [visible] base of the totem pole and we’re assuming there’s rotting underground as well. Also, it’s very tall and the wingspan at the top is an issue regarding its stability.”
MacLeod Campbell explained to city council’s executive committee Monday that extensive research and consultation took place in the last year regarding what to do with the deteriorating wooden structure. It was designed and carved especially for Prince Albert by two former inmates at the Saskatchewan Penitentiary, James Sutherland and his assistant Dale Stonechild. It was then donated to the city in 1975.