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Early Childhood Development

The Importance of Fathers in Healthy Child Development

Jun 11, 2019 | 11:17 AM

A caring community and a healthy start for all children

Noted sociologist Dr. David Popenoe states “Fathers are far more than just “second adults” in the home. Involved fathers bring positive benefits to their children that no other person is as likely to bring” A generation or so ago, the role of fathers was more narrowly defined. Dad “brought home the bacon” as the family’s main provider. But times have changed and fathers, for the most part, are more involved in raising their children – even their very young children. So, from time to time, especially around Father’s Day, it is useful to remind ourselves that fathers do play an important role in the development of their children, and that actually, the lack of a Father role in the home can have lifelong effects.

One consistent finding in the research that has been done into Fathering and its effects on children, is that fathers are not mothers! They bring their own mode of interacting with, caring for, playing with, disciplining, and talking to their children. In play, men tend to be more physical as playmates than are women and often structure play and interaction with children around a task, game or project. The effects of father/child play have been shown to have long-range implications for cognitive and social development, problem solving skills, turn taking and encouragement to explore a bigger environment.

Even from birth, children who have an involved father are more likely to be emotionally secure, be confident in their surroundings and, as they grow older, have better social connections. Two parents who interact with their children uniquely and often, in contrasting ways, provide a variety of experiences for children and foster a capacity to attach to each parent as separate individuals with distinct styles.

One of the most important influences a father can have on his child is indirect – namely through the quality of the relationship they have with the mother of their children. Not only does the quality of the relationship affect the parenting behavior of both parents but the behavior is modeled for the children. Fathers who treat the mothers of their children with respect and deal with conflict in the relationship in an adult and appropriate manner are more likely to have boys who understand how they are to treat women and girls with involved, respectful fathers see how they should expect to be treated.

From cognitive ability, language development and educational achievement to social behavior and well being, having or not having an involved father in the family plays a significant role in the development of children. All father’s, step fathers, father figures and mentors, need to be encouraged to recognize the valuable role they play in their children’s lives and be supported to be involved.

For information on fatherhood visit, or

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