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(The Canadian Press)
Medical cannabis

Medical cannabis facility receives green light from local R.M. council

Jun 11, 2019 | 12:00 PM

A 29,000 square foot medical licensed cannabis cultivation facility has secured a home in the Rural Municipality (R.M.) of Buckland, after a vote by the R.M. council on Monday.

Prior to the vote, details of the plan were discussed during a public hearing. Nuvomedic’s CEO and President Jamie Novotny was present to answers questions from councilors, most of which had to do with how how well secured the facility would be. Novotny told council he had a level 10 security team in place.

“My team treats it the same way as a jail. We have to protect everybody inside,” he said.

Nuvomedic plans to produce high quality grade organic medicinal products that are chemical free. The federally licensed facility represents the first of a multi-phase project for NuvoMedic. Future plans also include a processing facility and a clinic in the city.

Jamie Novotny and his wife Roni, are very anxious to see their dream become a reality. (Nigel Maxwell/ paNOW Staff)

Earlier this year the company was approved to take over the old Coke plant, but Novotny explained to the R.M. council that the old Thorpe Roofing building, beside Mary Nisbet campground, was a better fit for his long term goals.

“You guys see in that report 60-plus jobs, well that 60 jobs is after our phase two and by phase three, we are looking at a lot more than that,” he said.

It is anticipated by Nuvomedic that the development of phase one alone will attract approximately $15 million in investment to the Prince Albert area.

The R.M. of Buckland council had a lot of questions for Novotny, but was also very supportive of the project plan. (Nigel Maxwell/paNOW Staff)

Nuvomedic plans to start work soon, and staff are expected to be inside working by winter. Novotny told council he has already started work on the processing plant, which is phase two of the project.

“We do have some organic hemp farmers close to here we have been in contact with, looking to the future with us, and this creates more work and jobs,” he said.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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