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(File photo/paNOW Staff)
A photojournalists world

Students explore an education in photojournalism

Jun 2, 2019 | 4:00 PM

paNOW recently partnered with Prince Albert Collegiate Institute to host two lectures, aimed at teaching students the basics of the journalism, and photojournalism industries.

Instructor Mike Mogg reached out to paNOW with the idea of having a photojournalist speak to two classes of students, discussing what differentiates a photographer from a photojournalist, and the basics of what to know to begin down the career path.

“The kids are learning about freelance photography and photojournalism, and I thought it would be great to have someone working in the field who has the education, the equipment and the know-how come in and talk about things that I cant really talk to them about,” Mogg said.

“It’s been a mixed reaction from the students, we definitely have some that are very interested. There have been a few kids that have really gone above and beyond – we had one student, in the winter, running through knee deep snow to just try and get some shots so that has been great to see.”

Mogg added that Prince Albert Collegiate Institute has a strong focus on the arts, and the class was developed as a way to show the students that photography is in itself an art, and that photojournalism can be an extension of that art.

paNOW’s photojournalist Brady Bateman instructed the classes of the three basic principles, which can make any ordinary picture into a great photograph: Lighting, composition and moment. The students were then walked through a series of photos, which showcased these principles.

John Loonfoot was one of the students in attendance of the presentation, and spoke with paNOW about the experience.

“It really surprised me how easy it could be to get into the industry and start making money (In freelance and photojournalism). I’m sure it definitely can be quite difficult, but hearing about it makes it seem a bit easier,” Loonfoot said.

“The speech certainly gave me a bit on insight on how it is being a photojournalist, and the techniques I could use to become a photographer myself.”

Loonfoot added that at this time his passion is in music, which he could see corresponding with music photography.

On Twitter: @TheDigitalBirdy

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