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(submitted photo/Brenda Bernath)
Mass Band Concert

Thirteen schools combine for mass concert

May 29, 2019 | 1:01 PM

More than 1,000 band students will be part of an annual performance at Carlton Comprehensive Public High School tonight.

The ‘mass band’ concert features students from every school in the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division.

Carlton’s Band Director Brenda Bernath said the show will begin with a group of about 300 first-year students. They’ll be followed by the intermediate group and then the senior group featuring musicians from Grades 9 to 12.

“I would hope this concert encourages band students to keep going,” Bernath said. “They can hear where they started with the beginners and the potential of where they can end up with the seniors. So it’s a good showcase for the students, parents and the public to see how kids can progress on their instruments at school and develop skills.”

This is the first year Meath Park Public High School is participating in the mass concert. Band Director Andrea Rutz will be conducting 100 students.

“I’m excited for them to play the pieces we’re working on and to hear what it sounds like with a large group of students,” Rutz said.

The large sound that will come from having such a big orchestra is also what Band Director Amy Klippenstein is excited for her students from Christopher Lake, Red Wing and Spruce Home to experience.

“Out in the rural schools, they don’t have as many players and they don’t get to hear all the different parts they would normally play with,” she said. “So its an opportunity for them to hear the song played to its full potential.”

In previous years, the mass band performed in Carlton’s cafeteria but this year they outgrew the space. The concert will be held in Carlton’s CPAC gym, giving spectators a better view of the entire orchestra. There is no entry fee and the event is open to the public. The concert starts at 7 p.m.

On Twitter: @TeenaMonteleone

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