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(File photo/paNOW Staff)
Weather Woes

Warm weather not set to last

Apr 24, 2019 | 11:24 AM

Those who have been enjoying the recent warm weather in Prince Albert may soon find themselves in less sunny conditions.

Meteorologist with Environment Canada, Sara Hoffman, told paNOW a low-pressure system forming in Southern Alberta will cause cold air to sink from the North, creating colder weather conditions for northern areas across the prairies.

“That is something that should persist over the course of the weekend, even over the weekend as the low pressure system exits to the southeast,” Hoffman said.

“We’re expecting temperatures to stay below normal for much of early next week into late next week.”

Hoffman added the majority of precipitation caused by the low-pressure system will fall to the south and southwest of Prince Albert.

“There is a chance for some scattered showers or even the chance of flurries,” Hoffman added.

“Wednesday overnight into Thursday there is a chance of flurries, and Friday night into Saturday there is a chance of some flurries again but it’s not going to be that accumulating precipitation that we will likely see in southwestern Saskatchewan.”

On a positive note, Hoffman said Environment Canada does not currently see any major snowfalls in the coming weeks for the Prince Albert region, but added a system will be headed through Alberta bringing snowfall along with it.

“We do see the first week of May, we have some long-range models indicating temperatures will be below normal for the northern part of the prairies and across Canada,” Hoffman said. “It’s been a little bit above average in Prince Albert lately. Right now the average daytime high around this time of year is 12 degrees, and Prince Albert was up to 19 degrees today. This has definitely been an above average little outbreak and now it will dip down just below the average mark.”

On Twitter: @TheDigitalBirdy

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