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You are Legally Responsible

Make Sure Garage Sale Items Meet Safety Standards

Apr 16, 2019 | 9:27 AM

Spring signals the return to outdoor activities but also the return to garage sales.

Everyone has a bunch of stuff that they would rather sell than trash. Setting of a garage sale is easy but as a consumer remember it’s buyer beware.

The items might look great and be the right price, but there is no warranty from the seller. Most of the items will come with no instruction manual.

If something does stop working, then I guess you are only out the $25 or $50 you paid for the item, but have you considered your own personal safety or your families safety if the product fails?

Everyone holding a garage sale is legally responsible for ensuring that products sold, whether new or used, are safe and meet current safety standards. It is important to only sell items that are in good condition. Damaged articles should be discarded.

Before selling a product at a garage sale, check with the manufacturer or Health Canada to see if it has been recalled and if the problem has been corrected. If it has been recalled and the problem has not been or cannot be corrected, do not sell the product. Destroy it so it cannot be used by anyone else and throw it away.

To check for consumer product recalls posted by Health Canada: The Hazardous Products Act is administered by Health Canada. It has safety requirements for certain consumer products, many of which are intended for use by children. Under the law, you cannot import, sell, give away (including lending), or distribute products that do not meet the requirements of the Hazardous Products Act.

Here some examples of products that might pose a hazard: (Source Health Canada)

Baby Gates – Baby gates that have large diamond-shaped openings or large “V” openings at the top are illegal to sell in Canada. A child’s head can get caught in these openings and the child could strangle. Baby gates must come with information that identifies the manufacturer, model number, and the date of manufacture and information regarding instructions for use and installation.

Baby Walkers (Banned) – Baby walkers have been illegal to sell in Canada since April 2004. Anyone with a baby walker is advised to destroy and discard it so that it cannot be used.

Car Seats – Car seats must meet the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard. Before selling a used car seat, check with Transport Canada (1-800-333-0371 or for more information and to find out if the car seat has been recalled.

Hockey Helmets and Face Protectors – Hockey helmets and face protectors sold in Canada must meet safety standards set by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). If the CSA sticker is not present, throw the product away. Hockey helmets normally last for about three to five years. These items must not be sold if previously subjected to major impact, if older than five years, if showing visible signs of damage, or if parts are missing. Hockey helmets must have labelling with the date of manufacture and have a chin strap.

There are many more items that might pose a risk. Do yourself a favor and check things before buying and that means visiting a trusted source such as Health Canada. For more information go on line to

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