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The R.M. of Prince Albert hosted a series of public meetings recently to gauge public response to rural firefighting options. (submitted photo/Tyler Hazelwood)
Rural fire services

R.M. of Prince Albert still reviewing rural fire service options

Apr 11, 2019 | 6:10 PM

The Rural Municipality of Prince Albert continues to explore options around fire services after gauging resident feedback during a series of public meetings.

Division 2 Coun. Tyler Hazelwood chairs the RM’s fire committee, which is looking at the possibility of starting its own rural fire service. The RM’s current contract with the City of Prince Albert expires at the end of 2019 and the RM has been discussing the costs and viability of an independent service.

The R.M. contracted former RM of Buckland fire chief Jim Miller in February to consult on the project and held a series of public meetings to gain feedback on the idea, the last of which wrapped up earlier this month. No decisions have been made, Hazelwood stressed, but building a brand-new fire department from the ground up is a large task.

Among the options, the R.M. is also investigating the possibility of sticking with the city for fire protection, but still offering some services on their own as well. Hazelwood said ratepayers raised some good points during the public meetings.

“There’s not just two options, we realized at the meeting, some people brought up how we could improve the service in the R.M. without leaving the city,” Hazelwood said this week. “Now we are going to explore those ideas and concerns that they brought up.”

The fire committee has also asked some ratepayers to come on board to help review the options. The R.M. has also reached out to the provincial fire commission office for guidance and has requested an extension from the city on its current contract deadline as it looks at options, he added.

“We want to find a way to incorporate the City of Prince Albert Fire Department into the R.M.’s fire protection, but also improve on it,” Hazelwood added. “We’re in talks with the city and going back and forth with them on what a new five-year agreement would look like.”

Hazelwood said ratepayers in the R.M. just want great fire protection.

“We want to make sure we explore everything before we reach a decision,” Hazelwood said.

On Twitter: @CharleneTebbutt

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