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Volunteers are the Heart

Apr 9, 2019 | 10:21 AM

We look forward to National Volunteer Week across Canada.

The heart and soul of any community are those persons who give their time and talents to an event, program, community group or just help a neighbor.

As this year’s theme suggests “Lifting Communities” really tells the story of our volunteers.

As a volunteer, I have been fortunate to have worked with some tremendous people and on some great events to help build our community.

People always ask why do you volunteer?

Some might answer, “it gives me something to do.” Another might say, “I really enjoying working with people.” Yet another would say, “I think I can help the group reach their goal.”

Whatever the volunteer need Prince Albert has the best volunteers? Hundreds of hours are given freely to everything from hospital programs, school events to street fairs all use the time and talents of volunteers. Just image your event without volunteers, would it go on without a hitch?

For me the sense of accomplishment and the reward of working with some other talented people to build a fantastic community.

I am very fortunate to work with 65 of Prince Albert’s finest volunteers. One of guiding principles of our organization has been to give back to the community.

The men and women of Parkland Ambulance Care donate hundreds of hours each year to many Prince Albert causes.

Last year alone Parkland Ambulance Paramedics and Communications personnel donated over one thousand hours to many community events. These dedicated folks give our community and the many programs or projects a hand up when they need it most.

Congratulations for all these fine people for what they do for the community! We are very proud of our team and all they do for this community.

But what makes someone want to spend a few hours engaged for no monetary reward? Dependable, Reliable, Committed, Dedicated, Willing and able all come to mind. Young or old the spirit of community building and the giving back to one’s community is what makes a great volunteer. It is not just the retired people that have extra time, it is you, your neighbor, your co-workers who each can give and might already give of your time.

Building future sport stars by coaching a little league team. Reading or going for a walk with a senior in a long term care facility whose family might not be able to visit due to distance that often.

The opportunities are endless and I would encourage you to get involved. What do you like to do? What are your talents? Now then find an organization or group that can use your time and talents. You’ll be enriched, energized and find new opportunities that you might not know existed before.

There is no better reward than to know what you’ve has made a difference. It has changed the community or province we live in. It has encouraged a new generation of future leaders to be model citizens. I’d like to think that I’ve made the community or province I live in a bit better place because of what I’ve accomplished as a volunteer.

Can you volunteer today!

Thank you, Parkland Ambulance Care volunteers, you mean a lot to this community,!

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