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Paper Excellence Canada makes Major Gift to the Victoria Hospital Foundation’s NICU campaign

Apr 3, 2019 | 10:39 AM

he Victoria Hospital Foundation (VHF) is excited to announce a major gift of $25,000 from Paper Excellence Canada, the corporation that owns the Prince Albert pulp mill.

The corporate gift was initiated by local employees at both the Prince Albert mill and Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp who felt passionate about participating in the Foundation’s campaign for a new NICU.

In September 2018, the Victoria Hospital Foundation launched a$2.2 million campaign to expand the space of the Victoria hospital’s NICU from 357 square feet to 4,000.

Their fundraising goal was reached in only 6 short months thanks to the commitment of surrounding communities and a lead gift from doctors Tilak and Lalita Malhotra.

“With two facilities in the province of Saskatchewan (Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp and Prince Albert Pulp) we believe in supporting organizations that offer care to our communities. We take pride in this donation which aids newborns requiring special care.” Brian Baarda, Paper Excellence Canada CEO.

“With the construction phase of our NICU campaign complete, our focus has now turned to ensuring we will have additional equipment in place when the NICU is ready. This generous donation from Paper Excellence will go towards the purchase of specific resuscitation equipment for our newborns. Our hospital and community are sincerely grateful to Paper Excellence and their employees for investing in the care of our most fragile babies born in the north.”Sherry Buckler, Victoria Hospital Foundation CEO.

The Victoria Hospital Foundation’s mission is to build awareness of and inspire investment in local health care and the well-being of the people of Prince Albert and surrounding communities.

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