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Young residents hoping to gain some experience in the workforce may have an opportunity during the summer months.(Pablo Hidalgo/
Summer Jobs

Summer jobs available for local youth to gain work experience

Mar 27, 2019 | 12:08 PM

Local young people have a few summer jobs available to them through a number of organizations and businesses in the Prince Albert area.

The City’s Director of Corporate Services Ken LeClaire said local departments had great experiences in the past by employing summer staff.

“Without question, the city always values the work our young employees provide to the residents of Prince Albert,” LeClaire said. “The city is an advocate for hiring young employees. We recognize the immediate and future value they bring to our organization.”

LeClaire said while the summer employees help with the workload, it also serves as work experience for future employment.

“Work experience is tremendously important as it builds the professional foundation for our youth,” LeClaire said. “They learn the expectations of employers and are exposed to real work situations. It also is providing them with an opportunity to try different professions so they can narrow in on a future career.”

A few of the jobs posted by the city includ parks/engineering workers, playground coordinator and supervisor, recreation attendant, lifeguards and museum interpreters.

Manager and Curator with the Prince Albert Historical Society Michelle Taylor said summer interpreters become the face of the community for tourists experiencing the city.

“We hire 12 people to promote the history of Prince Albert and to promote any tourist activities taking place within the city and of course in the Lakeland,” Taylor said.

She added applicants have until April 12 to forward their information to the historical society.

Ken LeClaire said the work term begins soon.

“Summer positions typically run from early May until late August. They rarely run longer especially since most of our young employees are returning to school in the fall,” LeClaire said.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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