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Almost two months of work led to the creation of this impressive snow fortress. (File photo/Brady Bateman) : Brady Bateman
Snow Fortress

As winter ends, P.A. family reflects on snow fortress

Mar 11, 2019 | 3:30 PM

With warm weather just over the horizon, most Prince Albert residents are thinking of ways to say good riddance to the abundance of snow.

Yet one Prince Albert family had a different plan in mind when it came to dealing with their accumulation of snow.

Starting in January, Todd Wilson and his children began the daunting task of producing a snow fort. Now that it’s complete it rivals the size of his own home.

“I had some help from my eldest. We started around the end of January,” Wilson said. “I’ve always made snow forts. We usually have one every year, but this is the first one with all the sculpting.”

Along with a dragon looming over the structure, the fort also features a slide hidden within its labyrinth-like design.

Todd Wilson, along with help from his children, put nearly two months of work into constructing this impressive snow fortress. (File photo/Brady Bateman)

Wilson added he plans to continue the tradition in the future, as long as he can continue to borrow snow from his neighbour’s yards.

On Twitter: @TheDigitalBirdy

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