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City crews are busy cleaning streets and drainage areas in P.A. (Ronald Quaroni/paNOW Staff) : Glynn Brothen

City preparing for warmer weather

Mar 10, 2019 | 7:00 AM

For the first time in a while, the forecast for the coming week will include temperatures peaking above 0 Celsius.

That break from the cold has the City of P.A. preparing for the spring melt, of an above average accumulation of snow.

Mohammad Kraishan, operations manager with the city, said crews have been out cleaning snow around areas that are known to have drainage issues.

“Basically that’s our procedure every year, regardless the amount of snow,” Kraishan said. “Of course with an increased amount of snow (this year), that puts extra strain on our operation’s here.”

Kraishan said as we approach a freeze-thaw cycle in the weather a few issues will arise. Catch-basins are considered an issue.

“We do have some challenges with that every year and I’m expecting that to happen this year again, where we will thawing these lines, as needed, as we go,” Kraishan said.

Another challenge that he predicts will be adverse driving conditions.

“It thaws and freezes, so streets might be slippery, especially around 0 C,” Kraishan told paNOW. ” We will have our sanding trucks out there as needed, but I would encourage the public to be cautious basically.”

Kraishan added on top of clearing snow from problematic drainage areas, crews are continuing work, removing snow from arterial roads.

He added residents can help crews by obeying signage while street cleaning is underway.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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