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(file photo/ CJME News Staff) : Glenn Hicks

Hargrave defends record amid NDP aspirations of claiming P.A. double

Mar 7, 2019 | 5:14 PM

Ahead of the March 20 budget the MLA for Prince Albert Carlton says he’s proud of his track record in office with the Saskatchewan Party.

Joe Hargrave is responding to recent criticism from NDP leader Ryan Meili that he’s been part of some poor decisions by the government like the axing of STC and the imposition of PST on used cars. Meili added the government’s concept of what is a ‘balanced budget’ differs from his, given the deficits and cuts to education and other social services.

It’s still tough times and that means we’re going to balance the budget– Joe Hargrave

But Hargrave begged to differ, saying the province is still facing tough times and the government would deliver a “true” balanced budget later this month.

“Leader Meili is stuck in the past, that’s what I see,” Hargrave told paNOW. “He doesn’t take a position on the potash or pipelines. You notice he doesn’t talk about any of that; about manufacturing or forestry, about jobs.”

paNOW asked Hargrave if there might be a nugget for the public in the budget like the withdrawal of the unpopular PST on used cars but he wasn’t prepared to give any hint ahead of the finance minister’s speech.

“A balanced budget doesn’t mean we’re going to have a surplus of a billion dollars, it’s still tough times and that means we’re going to balance the budget,” he said. “There will be operational funding and the Crown corporations will continue to receive investment for the infrastructure that is still badly needed in this province.”

Asked what he made of the NDP’s goal of securing his seat to go along with their incumbent Nicole Rancourt in P.A. Northcote, Hargrave said he was proud to have served the Sask. Party in his riding, the city as a whole, and the province. He noted he was part of efforts to significantly reduce drunk driving in Saskatchewan and moves to regulate ride sharing. He added he helped make the Rose Garden Hospice happen in the city.

“The hospice folks are going to raise the capital to build it and the government has committed to $2 million in annual operating funding for that. That’s because Joe Hargrave was pushing,” he said.

But there was still no clarity from Hargrave on when a much-awaited announcement on a new or renovated hospital for Prince Albert would come.

“I’m pretty confident, and in my meetings with officials in the city, that we’re working towards an extremely positive outcome regarding the hospital,” he said.

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