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Winter weather mixed blessing for Kinsmen Ski and Snowboard Centre

Feb 5, 2019 | 1:56 PM

According to head staff at the Prince Albert Kinsmen Ski and Snowboard Centre, the hill is in great shape for winter slope enthusiasts when it’s not closed due to cold weather.

Operations Manager, Nathan Stregger said low mercury levels have forced them to shut down the hill numerous times.

He added despite the cold, this year’s snowfall created ideal conditions.

“About three to four feet. Everywhere on the hill is man made. Anything extra helps a lot. Basically what you’re making with the snow maker is ice. When we can mix in some natural snow, it just makes better quality,” Stregger said.

If temperatures dip below -30 Celsius with the wind chill, local bylaws require a closure to minimize frostbite risks.

Stregger said the cold weather affected the numbers a bit at the hill, but when it is open most people don’t mind braving the cold to escape the house for a while.

“It’s Saskatchewan. We have to get used to it at some point,” Stregger said with a laugh. “People get so cooped up inside that they want to get out and they’ll brave the weather just to get outside.”

Stregger hopes more will visit when the weather warms up.

“Try out snowboarding or skiing, we have certified instructors to help you get your mojo going,” he said.

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