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Trudeau to shuffle cabinet today following Treasury Board president’s departure

Jan 14, 2019 | 7:17 AM

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to shuffle his cabinet today to account for the sudden resignation of Nova Scotia MP Scott Brison from his post as Treasury Board president.

Montreal MP David Lametti, a former McGill University law professor, walked into Rideau Hall in advance of the swearing-in, a sign he’s due to be promoted from his position as parliamentary secretary to the industry minister.

Insiders confirm that Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott will take over for Brison, and Veterans Affairs Minister Seamus O’Regan is also on the move.

He has cancelled an event that was set to take place today in his home province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The prime minister also must elevate a legislator from Nova Scotia to cabinet to make up for the void Brison leaves.

Political observers have speculated that person will likely be either Sean Fraser or Bernadette Jordan — possibly taking over for O’Regan at Veterans Affairs.

The Canadian Press

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