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Detained ex-Canadian diplomat Kovrig gets second consular visit in China

Jan 10, 2019 | 10:52 AM

OTTAWA — The federal government says diplomats visited former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig today for the second time since his arrest in China last month for allegedly endangering national security.

A spokesman for Canada’s foreign ministry says Canada remains deeply concerned by what it calls China’s “arbitrary” detentions of Kovrig and fellow Canadian Michael Spavor, who was also arrested last month on similar allegations.

Guillaume Berube says in a statement that Canada is demanding their immediate release, and will continue to push for more consular access.

Canadian diplomats visited Spavor, an entrepreneur, for a second time earlier this week.

The arrests of Kovrig and Spavor appear to be in retaliation for Canada’s arrest of Huawei senior executive Meng Wanzhou at the request of the United States.

Meng’s arrest and her potential extradition to the U.S. has enraged China, which has demanded her release and has warned of serious consequences for Canada.

The Canadian Press

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