Teen smoking concerns; but P.A. praised
According to new statistics released from Health Canada Saskatchewan teenagers are smoking cigarettes at an alarming rate.
The Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs survey revealed 22 per cent of Saskatchewan teenagers aged 15 to 19 have smoked cigarettes, compared to the national average of only eight per cent. The Canadian Cancer Society believes the fault is partially on the Saskatchewan government, and their lack of updates to anti-smoking measures in the province.
“Our reaction is that we are not surprised that our smoking rates for youths are as high as they are, because we have not been doing the things we need to be doing to address those smoking rates,” Donna Pasiechnik, a Saskatchewan health policy analyst for the Canadian Cancer Society told paNOW. “Our tobacco control laws are woefully out of date, we have not had any new legislation since 2009 despite all these new issues that have come up and as a result we’ve seen that national average go down and Saskatchewan’s go up.”
Pasiechnik added she believes there are a multitude of control measures which could be put in place to significantly decrease the number of teens in the province who use tobacco products such as a higher tax rate on tobacco products, changes to laws on flavoured tobacco, warnings placed on individual cigarettes and informing youth of the fact they are being targeted by tobacco companies.