Free flu shots available from today
Despite the recent warm weather, flu season is coming and officials are reminding the public now is the time to take advantage of the free flu shot. Public health clinics, local pharmacies and some physician and Nurse Practitioner offices are offering the free jab as of today.
The walk-in clinics run at the South Hill Mall public health facility from 9:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. though Saturday, with other dates in the following weeks. There is also a special walk-in clinic scheduled for Prince Albert city hall next week Tuesday.
The publicly-funded flu vaccine is recommended for anyone six months of age and older and it’s especially important for people at high risk of complications, according to the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA). That includes pregnant women, young children, the elderly, and people with underlying health conditions and their caregivers.
“What is going to be exciting [this year] is that pharmacists will be able to vaccinate children five years and older,” Medical Health Officer in Prince Albert Dr Khami Chokani told paNOW. “That means you can go as a family outing to get you flu shot.”