City looks at new portable sign bylaw
Changes are coming to the city’s portable sign bylaw as administration works to make the bylaw regulations clearer and easier to follow.
City administration is planning to replace the current sign bylaw, from 2010. Craig Guidinger, director of planning and development with the city, said the new bylaw will reduce the distance required between signs on one side, such as along strip malls and shopping areas, and have clearer guidelines about where signs cannot be placed, including on public property, at intersections and light standards – with the exception of election signage.
The current bylaw states there must be at least 20 metres between portable signs on the same side. The new rules aim to reduce that amount to 10 metres.
The distance requirement has upset business owners in the past, who say they can’t effectively promote their business. Guidinger said the new bylaw will have clearer language and be more consistent.