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SIGA says no to cannabis cigarettes

Oct 17, 2018 | 12:25 PM

With recreational marijuana use now legal in Canada, inquiring minds want to know when and where they can go to light up, but paNOW has learned at least one form of popular entertainment in the province will not be gambling with issues related to second hand cannabis smoke.

The Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) has seven casinos across the province, and according to Vice President of Corporate Affairs Pat Cook, they have a straight forward answer for people who want to know if they can light up a joint inside a casino.
“Smoking cannabis will not be allowed anywhere on SIGA property or in any of our casinos,” she said.
Cook said management held extensive discussions on the issue and in the end they wanted to do what was best for business.
“We’re trying to make our facilities comfortable environments for all of our guests and this includes taking measures to ensure that patrons are not at risk for impairment or discomfort, caused by the odors of cannabis,” she said.
This is not the first time SIGA has taken a hard stance on an issue related to health and smoking. Electronic cigarettes, cigars and tobacco pipes are also banned from SIGA properties.
On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell