Midtown residents told to ‘make the call’
Unsightly yards, illegal dumpster drops, and thieves on bikes, were among the issues raised at a community meeting in Prince Albert’s midtown neighbourhood Monday night
The meeting was organized by the Midtown Neighbourhood Watch Group and the city’s bylaw manager Suzanne Stubbs was invited to attend and discuss the options available to residents. She told the crowd they should never hesitate to call the non-emergency police line, for any complaint.
“I know people don’t want to call it in because they think it’s just this or just that but if we don’t know about it then we can’t deal with it,” she said.
One of the ongoing issues in the neighbourhood is property crime, and people who ride around on painted bikes are often associated with criminal behaviour. Reflectors and lights are removed on stolen bikes in an effort to reduce visibility, but Stubbs said according to the city’s bylaws, any bike out after dark must be visible and have the proper equipment.