Halifax smoking ban begins as city aims for strict limits on public pot smoking
Halifax’s sweeping smoking ban began Monday with a city spokesperson saying it stems in part from citizen dislike of encountering clouds of marijuana vapours in public areas.
The rules making it illegal to smoke or vape nicotine and cannabis on municipal properties puts the East Coast city in the vanguard of cities that want pot kept out of public areas — and comes just two days before recreational cannabis is legalized.
The bylaw means that people strolling through the municipally maintained sidewalks, parks and properties throughout the capital’s sprawling 5,490 square kilometre area — about the size of Prince Edward Island — will initially be warned against smoking in public areas and will eventually face fines.
Enforcement will be carried out by a team of 20 by-law officers, and come on top of existing provincial legislation which already prohibits smoking within four metres of a doorway, window or vent to a business.