Trump admin struggling to comply with reunification mandate
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration struggled Wednesday with how to abide by a federal judge’s order requiring that thousands of migrant children who were forcibly separated from their parents be reunited within 30 days.
The hard deadline set Tuesday night by a U.S. District Judge in San Diego touched off a flurry of activity at facilities already coping with the aftermath of President Donald Trump’s order to end the separation of families at the border.
In his order, U.S. District Court Judge Dana Sabraw, an appointee of President George W. Bush, said all families must be reunited within 30 days, and children under 5 must be reunited with their parents within 14 days. He also issued a nationwide injunction against further family separations, unless the parent is deemed unfit or doesn’t want to be with the child.
Asked about the injunction, Trump offered no complaint, saying, “We believe the families should be together also so there’s not a lot to fight.”