Wildfire preparedness, mitigation a community effort
The preparedness of a community can play a vital supporting role for management teams to assist in limiting the spread and damage of wildfires.
Working to parlay this information and educate the public on risk reduction and mitigation strategies, a showcase was hosted Saturday at the Prince Albert Airport for National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day. It gave local fire departments and provincial fire management teams an opportunity to discuss practices to keep properties safe from wildfires through the FireSmart program.
“This is what property owners can take back, for their acreage or cabin or even around their house in the city, what can they do to reduce the risk of loss to their property in the event a wildfire is bearing down,” Prince Albert fire chief Jason Everitt said.
FireSmart aims to assist property owners in understanding the threat posed to places where structures and heavily forested areas meet. These are known as Wildland Urban Interface areas and include residence and business located north of the river and in the surrounding RM’s of Prince Albert, Shellbrook and Buckland.