Joe Fafard showcases new mixed-media exhibit at Mann Art Gallery
In his new exhibit, Retailles, Joe Fafard explores the worlds of laser-cutting and creative rendering using the byproducts of previous works.
French for “scraps” or “that which is cut away,” Retailles features a collection of laser-cut and welded metal sculptures accompanied by embossed and woodcut prints. Each piece has negative spaces removed and replaced with small cut-outs of other images. Fafard said the exhibit, which is on display until August 25 at the Mann Art Gallery, was inspired in part by his mother.
“My mother did all of our sewing and clothes. After she cut the pattern, she had retailles and she would use them to make carpets or rugs,” he said. “I saved up over the years, maybe ten years time, all of these pieces and I always thought I would have a show with them.”
Hidden the large metal sculptures are various images of churches, steeples, cowboys, or smaller versions of the animals themselves. Most are fabricated from large sheets of metal, while others are derived from Styrofoam buried in sand. Hot metal was poured down a tube to the Styrofoam, which eats up the foam and takes its place. Fafard then dug it out and was left with a bronze sculpture. Some of the older, smaller pieces are crafted from wooden moulds, where the wood is burned and removed to erect the piece.