Council of Canadians protest Trans Mountain pipeline decision
A dedicated group of protesters braved the elements to ensure their displeasure about the recent federal decision to purchase the disputed Trans Mountain pipeline for $4.5 billion.
Twenty-one chapters of the Council of Canadians hosted a snap protest or day of action across the country in protest of the decision. Federal MP Randy Hoback’s office was chosen as the location for the protest, although he and members of the council are seemingly on the same side of the dispute.
“Oddly enough, we’re on the same side in this case, but for different reasons,” Nancy Carswell, with the Prince Albert chapter of the Council of Canadians said. “He believes that [the pipeline] does not got a business case… I’m saying we’ve got better things to do with the money.”
She proposed spending $4.5 billion by investing into green energy, a solution she said will not only better the environment, but it would also provide a plethora of future-proof jobs to Canadian citizens.