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Greenhouse a growing obsession in St. Louis

May 11, 2018 | 10:18 AM

Betty Rancourt never intended to open a greenhouse in St. Louis, SK.  A hairdresser by trade, she started seeding for herself at home.  When she had extras, her clients started to buy them.

“It got a little carried away….so, I guess it just planted a seed and here we are,” she said.

Obsession Greenhouse now offers north central Saskatchewan the most unique plants and flowers displayed in two greenhouses with flowers, hanging baskets, pots, vegetables and herbs, plus a ‘Pot House’ featuring containers, sun and shade perennials and a full gift shop.

If you’ve got a green thumb and love dead-heading in the mornings or want something low maintenance, Rancourt said they have something for everyone including specialty containers made to order. One of the most popular products is a ‘Tickled Climbing Petunia.’ It has an upright form that can climb on a frame or trellis and it can be free ranged to spread up to a height of six feet. 

“It has an unbelievable fragrance,” Rancourt said. “Anyone who has had it comes back for it.”

Among other unique plants available are ‘Pumpkin on a Stick’ and the ‘Easter Egg Plant’ which grows white fruit that look like eggs and then change color to deep pastel cream, yellow, orange and even green as they mature.



All of Rancourt’s suppliers are local, but she starts most of her product from seed herself.

“Any greenhouse that’s a real greenhouse at heart would want to seed themselves.  The glory of it is watching it grow themselves,” she said.

Rancourt’s staff is just as obsessed with gardening as she is. In fact, none of them work for a wage – they work for plants!

“So, you know their hearts are in it and we like to believe we really work hard on keeping our product in top shape because we love it,” she said.

That quality and care is part of what keeps customers coming back. Returning patrons from as far away as Regina and Moose Jaw make a stop at the greenhouse an annual tradition on their way to the lake.

“They stop in and pick up their plants for the cabin and they stop in on their way home to pick up perennials for their house,” she said. “Our staff is so knowledgeable. They know the product inside and out so they can get you the exact plant you need for the area you have.”

The gift store is an attraction in itself.  It opens when the greenhouse does at the end of April until the beginning of July and features wall art, home décor, fairy gardens and fire pots among other things. After Remembrance Day, the greenhouse and gift shop transition into a Christmas wonderland. Rancourt and the staff invite you to become obsessed with Obsession Greenhouse. Visit them online , through Facebook or in person at 245 Buffalo Park Road, formerly known as Hwy #2, next to the St. Louis Family Restaurant.