Q&A with Lac Seul First Nation Chief Clifford Bull, candidate in northern riding
FRENCHMAN’S HEAD, Ont. — Kiiwetinoong is one of two new northern Ontario ridings and the only one in the province with an Indigenous majority. It is home to about 32,000 people in four municipalities and more than three dozen remote Indigenous communities, many only fly-in. Chief Clifford Bull, of the Lac Seul First Nation, is a neophyte provincial politician running in the June 7 election.
Why are you running?
I intend to support Indigenous rights. We’ve learned from broken treaties. I wanted to have the Indigenous voice heard at Queen’s Park where decisions are made. That’s been lacking for too long. We need to change that. We need to have a voice from the North, not only for Indigenous people but also for mainstream Canadians who live here. There’s a lot of industry here, a lot of wealth, in terms of minerals and resources. We need to ensure we get our share of those benefits and opportunities — and not all the wealth goes south.
How did you come to run for the Progressive Conservatives?