Documents show Liberals took eyes ways to tax Netflix like Quebec plans to do
OTTAWA — Federal officials have taken a close look at how the government can make online services like Netflix and Amazon voluntarily collect sales tax, similar to the model Quebec plans to bring in next year.
Pages of briefing notes provided to Heritage Minister Melanie Joly over the course of 2017 detail how certain governments around the world have required foreign-based streaming services to register with the government in order to collect and pay taxes, rather than imposing new taxes on the services.
The notes, obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act, say countries should make it as simple as possible for companies to register with national tax offices to collect revenue on which they are currently missing out.
Quebec’s Liberal government announced in its budget Tuesday that it would do exactly that beginning next year to put provincial sales tax on Netflix and any purchases from Amazon. The provincial government believes it could earn about $154.5 million over the next five years from the measure.