Community support group targeted by thief
The Executive Director of the P.A Outreach Program Inc. and Won Ska Cultural School said the theft of their transportation van this week was very frustrating. The vehicle was later located, but Rhonda Durant said the theft will likely have a big impact on their programming.
Durant’s comments come after the van was stolen late Friday night or Saturday morning while it was parked in the driveway of a residence in the 400-block of 23rd St. E. Durant said the van was locked outside a staff member’s house and would have been used the following morning to pick up parents and kids for the school’s traditional parenting program.
“The ignition system was punched, so someone used a screwdriver and [the staff member] had both sets of keys on her kitchen counter,” Durant said.
Durant said the van was vital to the school’s recreational programming. One event scheduled for this week is a sweat ceremony at One Arrow First Nation, and Durant said the school will now have to make new travel arrangements.