Beginner riders saddle up at Bronc Riding School
Steam rolled off the breath of Noah Suchorab as he grabbed his KCRA embroidered letter jacket, straightened his cowboy hat and climbed over the rails into the rodeo arena at Red River Riding and Roping.
He and a number of long-time professional bareback riders, saddle bronc riders and pick up men watch as three horses trot into the ringside stands.
“Who’s up,” he calls out to a handful of young men furbished in blue jeans and plaid, meticulously taping their arms and cloaking themselves in protective gear as they prepare to get on the back of a bucking bronc — some for the first time in their life.
“It takes a special kind of kid to want to get on the back of a 1,500-pound horse that is trying to buck you off,” he said of the fourteen youth from across Western Canada who descended on the grounds north of Prince Albert for the second Bronc Riding School hosted by Suchorab this weekend.