Île-à-la-Crosse students clean-up at Robot Challenge
Three students from Île-à-la-Crosse took home the first and second place awards at Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s Robot Rumble.
Over 120 teams from across the province participated in the challenge, which saw robots attempt to push each other out of a ring. The team whose robot stayed in the longest was the winner. Jeremy Corrigal, a Grade 11 student from Rossignol School finished on top. He took home a $1,500 credit towards a Sask. Polytech program in the Mining, Energy, and Manufacturing programs. He also got a new tablet and $150 cash.
“Last year my bot kind of didn’t work for me, and I had a lot of issues with it, and I just came up short of finals,” Corrigal said of his decision to fly solo in the contest. “This year I wanted to make something that was purely my own ideas instead of getting a kit and making it from that.”
Sask. Polytech sends kits to students, which Corrigal did borrow a few pieces from to make his robot, but relied heavily on the 3D printer the Rossignol High School’s robotics club has. The robotics club has existed for roughly seven years, and, as the club and interest in robotics grew, they began to acquire more technology like a to help the participants. Corrigal praised the Sask Polytech Robot Rumble as a fun, yet challenging event.