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Red Pheasant First Nation releases statement as Stanley trial moves towards conclusion

Feb 7, 2018 | 5:47 PM

With the Gerald Stanley second degree murder trial set to resume in Battleford Thursday, the Red Pheasant First Nation has issued a media release saying the current situation in their community is “very difficult.”

In the statement Chief Clinton Wuttunee said, in part, that the killing of Colten Boushie, who is from the Red Pheasant First Nation, “has deeply wounded all the members of Colten’s family” and the young people in the car with him “have been traumatized beyond belief.”

Part of Wuttunee’s statement reads, “…we are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the… trial… however we are not hopeful that we will see justice done.”

It goes on to read, “… the story we witness unfolding in the Stanley trial, serves to remind First Nations people that our lives are less valuable than the lives of non-First Nations people… we want justice for Colten in the trial of Gerald Stanley.”