The Wednesday news briefing: An at-a-glance survey of some top stories
Highlights from the news file for Wednesday, Dec. 20
TRUDEAU VIOLATES CONFLICT OF INTEREST RULES: The federal ethics commissioner has ruled that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau violated conflict of interest rules over a series of family vacations last year. Mary Dawson says Trudeau violated the rules when he vacationed last Christmas at the private Bahamian island owned by the Aga Khan and when his family vacationed on the same island months earlier in March 2016. Dawson found that the Trudeaus’ visit to the island — and the prime minister using the Aga Khan’s private helicopter for the last leg of the journey — broke sections of the Conflict of Interest Act that prohibits a minister or any member of their family from accepting gifts or “advantages” that could reasonably be seen as influencing government decisions.