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Owner John Riberdy seated on the “Beast” with his staff Lenae and Christina

New Medical Mobility Store – “The Best Way to Help People”

Mar 7, 2017 | 11:00 PM

Helping people to gain more mobility is more than just a business for John Riberdy, it is his life passion.

Riberdy is the owner of JR Medical Mobility, a new business which opened in Prince Albert January 4 2017. His reason for choosing this type of business is deeply thought out.

“I believe giving people their mobility back, as much as is possible, is the best way to help people, Riberdy says. “If we give money, or personal items, we help a little. When we provide them with mobility, it is radically life changing.”

“That is because with access to mobility, people can stay in their own home, instead of a care home,” he explains. “It provides them with freedom, independence and therefore dignity and peace of mind.”

Huge variety of Medical aids provides clients with freedom, independence, therefore dignity and peace of mind.

The store offers an extensive inventory of medical mobility aids including power chairs, walkers, wheelchairs, electric beds, braces, splints, eating supplies, ostomy supplies and medical/non-medical sheepskin.

But Riberdy considers medical mobility as just one of three approaches to mobility. “I also provide products that facilitate natural and recreational mobility.”

In his view, internal natural mobility can be enhanced through what people choose to put in their body. That is why he carries a selection of carefully chosen vitamins, supplements and essential oils. Brand names include Flora, Natural Factors, NAHS- (North American Herb and Spice) David Health, Alpha Health, AOR- (Advanced Orthomolecular Research) Organika Health and Jardine Naturals. Riberdy’s natural mobility section also includes protein shakes and other food products alike, 100% organic (bleach free) feminine hygiene products, all natural skin care products and water filtration supplies.

Electric beds are part of the aids that allow people to stay in their own home, instead of a care home.

With a background in organic horticulture, Riberdy has a solid understanding of how those products work in the body. Because of this, he is very selective about what is on the shelf. “I don’t necessarily carry every product offered under a brand name. I only pick the best of what they have to stock on my shelves. You won’t find any fillers in what I carry.”

This standard of product excellence is applied to all products in the store, chosen from 130 vendors. This includes his line of recreational mobility scooters and electric bikes.

“Pretty soon people will see me out on ‘the Beast’,” laughs Riberdy.

‘The Beast’ is a Daymak (A Canadian Company) electric bike whose look might have some people thinking it’s a full-fledged motorcycle at first glance. It is street legal, and does not require a license or insurance to operate, however a helmet is required.

We tailor equipment to meet the individual needs of each client.

It may well be a new sight to Prince Albert residents, as Riberdy only moved to the city in November 2016 from Foam Lake Saskatchewan. He has operated a mobility store there for the last seven years. Expanding to Prince Albert was a careful decision.

“In business, there comes a point where you either grow or stagnate. I explored my options carefully and chose Prince Albert for it’s beautiful landscape, amazing views and trails, it just feels like home to me. It is the best location to bring this service to, because of the people and potential for future growth in the area” Says Riberdy.

Finding the Davidner’s building, which has entrances on Central Avenue and River Street, propelled his decision forward.

“I knew as soon as I walked into the building it was perfect for this business. It is well designed and big enough to carry comprehensive lines of equipment and supplies. People can even try out some products in the store. It is an excellent location to provide these services.”

Providing a selection of carefully chosen vitamins, supplements and essential oils for natural mobility.

And service at JR Medical Mobility is what it really is about he emphasizes.

“I specialize in matching products to what people actually need, and will provide them with the best quality of life.” Riberdy says with conviction. “We tailor equipment to meet the individual needs of each client. I also don’t allow people to overspend if they seem to be making an emotional, rather than practical decision.”

“Also, the medical equipment is tax free when purchased through the store. We can also assist with requisitions from agencies such as NIHB (Non Insured Health Benefits) WCB, SGI, Veterans Affairs and TeleMiracle ”

Riberdy will deliver and set-up products like power chairs if required. He also provides customers with hands on education on how to correctly use and maintain their products. He has even extended this service to a few of his competitors’ clients.

“I believe it has to be about more than the money. It’s about sharing the knowledge and letting people know their options. These are customer service benefits I am passionate about providing!”

Riberdy confesses that he is dedicated when it comes to customer education. “I am constantly researching and gaining product knowledge. I will help people review their choices, and even look at their prescriptions if they are choosing supplements to ensure there are no contra-indicators.”

Since opening, many of the local healthcare professionals have visited to view products available at JR Medical Mobility. “They all seemed impressed with what we are offering.” Says Riberdy.

Currently Riberdy employs two other staff members in Prince Albert, Christina and Lenae, and will be looking for additional staff in the near future.

“It is a very rewarding kind of work,” says Riberdy, recollecting a 19 year old man who was gifted equipment by Telemiracle. “We went in to set everything up safely for him and make sure it was all working well. Giving him the gift of mobility completely changed not only his life, but his parents’ lives too. That, is truly gratifying!”

John Riberdy may be reached at 306-764-3155, or visit the website or Facebook page.  –

JR Medical Mobility is located at 25 River St W, Prince Albert, SK S6V 2Y9