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Family Expo

Feb 23, 2017 | 8:16 AM

The Prince Albert Early Childhood Council invites you to participate in Prince Albert’s 3rd Annual Family Expo!

This one day event will invite all Prince Albert families to share in a unique family oriented experience that will provide activities, information and education that will delight families with children of all ages.

If you are an organization, business or service that serves families and children we wish to invite you to register now to be part of this exciting event.

Space is limited so please take advantage of this opportunity as soon as possible. Registration for displayers will close March 31, 2017.

For more information please call Donna – 306-763-0760 or email

The Family Expo takes place

Saturday May 6, 2017

Set up time 7:30am to 9:30 am

Doors open10 am to 5 pm

Prince Albert Exhibition Centre

Displayers may offer Door Prizes or draws at their own display. An event bag will be distributed to all attendees to gather information and articles from your display.

Interactive entertainment areas will be arranged within the display areas however interactive activities may also be part of your display area. We request that candy not be distributed at your booth and that booth’s should be staffed at all times.

A free snack will be offered once again to participants and lunch will be available for purchase.