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Some quotes from Tuesday’s French-language Tory debate

Jan 17, 2017 | 9:00 PM

QUEBEC — The 13 Conservative leadership candidates held a French-language debate in Quebec City on Tuesday night. Here is a translation of a quote from each of their opening statements:

Chris Alexander: “One cannot understand Canada and one cannot prepare to govern Canada without understanding Quebec.”

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Deepka Obhrai: “I am the dean of the Conservative caucus. I represent the way of experience, of inclusion, of diversity.”

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Michael Chong: “I believe in values and principles. I am a friend of francophones. I am a francophile. I have always believed in the French fact … And as leader, I will defend the French fact in North America.”

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Erin OToole: “I learned French in the army. I am proud to be a former member of the Forces and an MP but I am a candidate in this race because of my children. I am worried about their future because of the direction of the Trudeau government.”

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Kellie Leitch: “I think the next leader of our party should be bilingual and that is why I have been taking intensive French courses for the past year. I will need you to practise. I will be ready to beat Trudeau in 2019.”

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Andrew Scheer: “I am proud to speak French. I am someone who can bring people together. I am the only candidate who has support from MPs in every province.”

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Pierre Lemieux: “In my 10 years as an MP, I represented the riding outside of Quebec with the most francophones, 65,000. And to wrap things up, I urge you to vote for Lemieux.”

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Maxime Bernier: “I am a Conservative who believes in freedom and personal responsibility… I want a country that is freer and more prosperous. Join us and we will win in 2019.”

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Lisa Raitt: “I have shown that I listen to people’s concerns. I have had to make difficult decisions in difficult times. As leader, my decisions will always be founded on Conservative principles. I can beat Trudeau.”

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Steven Blaney: “Your presence here in great numbers — this is the biggest debate so far — shows the importance of Quebec for Canada and the importance of Quebec for the Conservative party.”

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Rick Peterson: “Thirty years ago under the other Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, my family almost lost everything — our home, our jobs, our hopes. In the fridge there was only a jar of pickles. Under Justin, we’re on the same road.”

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Brad Trost: “I am 100 per cent Conservative. In 1867, we had a Constitution where Quebec was respected. In 1982, Trudeau the father ripped up the Constitution and imposed one on Quebec. The result: Canada is more and more centralized under Trudeau the son.”

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Andrew Saxton: “Canada is the best country in the world. That is because of good government. But we don’t have a good government today. Mr. Trudeau is destroying our economy. We need someone who has experience in business and in Ottawa. I have both and that is why I am the best candidate.”


The Canadian Press